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Things go WAY Deeper than we thought! Here's the latest updates

For over 13 years, Britney Spears has been held beyond her will by her father and a team of lawyers who claim it's been for her own good. 

This video uses her own music and quotes to sum up what she's been through. And now, she's so close to being free that we want to help make it happen by raising more awareness.

I wanted to show Britney support by posting videos of me mixing her songs live to thousands of adoring fans around the world. Little did I know that they would go viral on TikTok and that's why I was inspired to do this remix and video. We wanted to help share Britney's story to the world and make it easy to share. Because the public pressure is working. More and more lawyers that have been keeping her locked against her willing are dropping out. But she still needs more.

What's #FREEBRITNEY all about?

This page was inspired by Britney Spears and the #FreeBritney movement. As a DJ, I've always loved her music and turning up crowds with some of Britney's best songs. But her fame has been a double edged sword that's getting worldwide attention right now. And what I thought was some crazy conspiracy theory is actually a real life tragedy and this is a key turning point.

We've all witnessed her public breakdowns but a lot of people have not realized what's happened to get her to this place. 

Britney has been under overwhelming pressure from the beginning. Starting with her first song at the age of 16, she's been under intense pressure to perform from a young age. Paparazzi were relentless and caused her much strife. As time went on, this began to take a toll on here and would lead to her very public breakdown in the mid 2000's. Using her public breakdown as their excuse, her father and team of lawyers put her under a "conservatorship" to control her every move. She has had every performance she's done, every personal move she makes, all her medication controlled for 13 years now. And she's pretended it's ok. But her true fans knew better. 


So it's finally come down to this. Britney Spears testified in court recently, asking for her 13 year long lockdown where she's been controlled by a team of lawyers and her father (legally called a conservatorship).  She gave heartbreaking details about the abuse she’s endured over the years (Including by her own father) and expressed to the courts that there is nothing she wants more than to take control back so that she can finally be free to live the life she wants, including her dreams of expanding her family.


While those in charge of managing her conservatorship insist it is for her own good, they also profit from all of her finances and performances. So there's a direct conflict of interest in having them control her affairs. 


We have to ask ourselves, how is it that such a young woman could be deemed unable to care for herself, placed under legal restrictions typically reserved for the elderly with conditions like dementia?  All while also being able to record 5 hit records, make numerous television cameos, perform live on award shows, go on several world tours, and have a 4 year Vegas residency if they are so bad off?

Now, thanks to her true fans that started the #FREEBRITNEY movement, the world is starting to understand it all much more. 


There are more twists & turns throughout this case than I can unpack here, but I for one, believe we should simply listen to Britney.  It’s time to free her.


I’m currently working on a longer Britney mix & would like to bring awareness to her cause. Pease check out my Britney mixes below.

How You Can Help

It start with Awareness. This isn't some crazy conspiracy theory like some people thought it was. It might seem to be crazy that she can be held beyond her control like this but after her candid testimony she still can't remove her father from controlling her life. Her next deposition is July 14 so we need to make sure the courts are aware of where the world stands on this issue. It starts by you sharing these videos and helping everyone around you become more aware of what's happening.

Listen to her testify

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